Wide Angle View of Site Sandpiper
This image shows sample site Sandpiper, located inside the large crater on the left. The wide-angle view provides context for the topography on asteroid Bennu surrounding the sample site. The site itself is to the right of the light-colored boulder sitting at the 8 o’clock position on the crater. The image was taken by the MapCam camera on NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft on April 29, from a distance of 1.5 miles (2.4 km). The field of view is 550 ft (167.6 m). The image was obtained from Station 1 (3:00 pm Local Solar Time) during the mission’s Detailed Survey: Equatorial Stations phase. When the image was taken, the spacecraft was over the southern hemisphere, pointing MapCam slightly north and to the west.
Date Taken: April 29, 2019
Instrument Used: OCAMS (MapCam)
Credit: NASA/Goddard/University of Arizona
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