Jun 24, 2019
This week, the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft successfully completed its first full week of Orbital B phase. For the first week in the new orbit, the team focused on monitoring Bennu’s horizon with the NavCam 1 imager for possible additional particle ejections. Checkouts on the two GNC (Guidance, Navigation and Control) LIDAR systems were also performed over the past week, and analysis of the data is underway.
The mission’s Science Team Meeting 15 also took place this week. Team members continued to evaluate potential sites for sample collection in preparation for the upcoming Reconnaissance phase of the mission. Data obtained during Detailed Survey phase was further analyzed to examine potential sample sites. The team categorized sites based on geologic setting (crater, ridge, basin, boulder field), color and spectral characteristics, and other properties. These categories are intended to facilitate the ongoing down-select process for potential sample collection sites.
Particle monitoring will continue next week, after which the team will begin collecting science data using onboard science instruments from the spacecraft’s low Orbital B altitude.
Media Contact
Erin Morton
OSIRIS-REx Communications