Kingfisher During Reconnaissance A

This is the highest-resolution image captured of candidate sample site Kingfisher as of October 19. Site Kingfisher is located near asteroid Bennu’s equator in the northern hemisphere. The site itself is visible in the lower right of the image, located in the middle of the relatively clear space. The image was taken by the PolyCam camera on NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft on October 19, from a distance of 0.6 miles (1 km). The field of view is 47 ft (14.4 m). For reference, the small crater is 9 ft (2.7 m) across, which is about the length of a dolphin. The image was obtained during the mission’s Reconnaissance A phase. When the image was taken, the spacecraft was over the northern hemisphere, pointing PolyCam south and to the west.

Date Taken: October 19, 2019

Instrument Used: OCAMS (PolyCam)

Credit: NASA/Goddard/University of Arizona


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